Walo rooftopbar Turku

If your are in Turku after quarantine time and it is good weather I would suggest you going to Walo. It is a really fancy rooftop bar where you can look down onto Turkus city center while enjoying a cocktail or a wine. The design and furniture is cozy - modern and has a very comfortable atmosphere. The entrance its through coffee house with a lift. There are two levels one is the rooftop bar on top the other is inside with the bar and comfortable sofas. The drinks and snacks are a bit on the pricier side but it is a really fancy place. Other places I would suggest: sushi: Itsudemo (buffet is amazing); Luckyfun, sushi panda icecream: spice ice! (Skanssi shoppingcenter) Taco bell Hesburger el nam Crystal for big portion of kebab Indian food: Dehli Darbar burgers: Hook