Studying and living in Finland during "Quarantine"
The corona pandemic was at the beginning just a big fun until it got serious. In the beginning many people made fun and the internet was booming about jokes and memes related to corona but meanwhile it is quite serious. Especially in countries like Italy, France, Sweden and Germany the whole thing has degenerated. Exit bans and mask duties were issued. The stand here in Finland/Turku it is luckily not so serious yet. Safety precautions have been taken like schools and universities have been closed and many are working from home. In supermarkets there are hand sanitizers at entrances and exits and a safe distance is maintained. Restaurants now only offer food for pick up or delivery. Bars, cinema and crowded places are closed, events are cancelled. Meetings with more than 10 people are prohibited. The boarders to Helsinki were closed for a while too. Many Exchange students have decided to fly home and even some have been obliged to leave. My roommate and I have decided to stay because t...
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