The education system at Turku University of Applied Sciences
The teaching system was initially a big shock to me, as there is a big difference in the teaching approach between the German teaching system and the Turku university of applied sciences approach "Innopeda". In Germany at the university I study and most of the German Universities there is only the final exams at the end of the semester and during exam phase we do not have any lectures. Our attendance is not mandatory most of the professors do not really know their students as the classes are really big and the students are basically numbers we do not write our names anywhere e.g. even on exams we put our number. While at TUAS, participation in class, projects and group work (peer evaluation) make up a large part of the overall grade. The German approach is of course much more comfortable for the students as there is much less work to do, but the Innopeda approach wants to encourage students to show initiative and work independently, to develop critical thinking and innovative...